Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
The focus of UTM’s brand initiative is thus on identity building, image creation and establishing reputation.
The aim is to formalise and share with others the brand that UTM aspires to project, not just among the university community but also among peers in higher learning, locally and internationally.
Official Logo
The official graphic signature of UTM consists of two elements: the logo and the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia typeface.
The position of the open book placed on top of the circle encapsulates the idea of a universe governed by divine laws as decreed in the Qur’an. The crescent encircling the flask shows that all pursuits of Science and Technology are done in accordance with Islam.
The position of the flask directly below the golden book shows that all advancements in Technology emanate from the Holy Qur’an, the ultimate source of knowledge. Thus, the values and principles which we ascribe to revolve around the core tenets of Islam, with its philosophy based on the premise that the divine law of Allah is the foundation for Science and Technology.